Tuesday, November 30, 2010

President Obama Speaks on Political Agenda for Next Congress

The present talks between republican and democratic leaders have been cordial for the last few days as the agenda around Washington is what can we do with the slow growth of the American economy. The last two years have been battle after battle as each side becomes more and more entrenched in deep partisan views. The American people are losing trust in our core government and are looking for an active change toward the good of the many. What can we do to sustain and grow our economy for the years to come? Other questions like how is the future of health care going to look after the law takes effect and many more Americans have access to basic medical and physician care.

The climate is conciliary right now and many are looking towards the future of this congress and asking whether it will be indeed a lame duck congress or not. However, our overall objective right now is to remain industrius and to keep the same entreprenueral spirit that has always led our people to and government to the great country we are today.

Lofty times ahead, let's hope this Congress can pull it together for the sake of our country men and women.

Ron Freeze

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